Penguins and the Broaden-and-Build Theory

EVERY EDUCATOR NEEDS TO READ THIS (at least the abstract).

Like yourself, I jumped from my seat after reading the paper.  To be honest, I erupted out of the chair and to calm myself down did several laps around my classroom.

I was absolutely enraged- positively furious.

Where has this been all my life? Where was this in graduate school?  I'm trying to convince you to read it if you haven't yet- it is that important.

How to Teach Like a TED Talk

 TED talks are social contagions.  Compelling, awe-inspiring, and unbelievable, TED presenters are super-heroes.  They are rock stars on the academic stage and captivate audiences.  The TED presenters have five characteristics that make them glow.  It would benefit teachers to adopt them.

Emotions, Facebook, and Students

The most shared scientific paper of 2014 was a massive study using Facebook.  I do not have Facebook so reviewing the research was both alarming and educational.  (I’m often asked how I find the time to read so much- I don’t spend time on Facebook)

The study looked at emotional contagions.  An emotional contagion is a vector that transports an emotion from one individual to another.  When you are around a person that is happy, you become happy.

The connection between online networks and emotional contagions has recently received attention.  This study is a step in that direction.

The newsfeed on your Facebook page shows SELECTED updates from your buddies.  Facebook uses an algorithm to decide what to show on your newsfeed.  In other words, you do not see everything that gets posted on your friends pages.  The algorithm is designed to show you the most relevant updates from your buddies.

How to Address 3 Common Senior Comments

January 1st indicates a chance to start fresh and many of us attempt to tackle unrealistic and absolutely unobtainable goals.  For me, it represents the end of letter of recommendation season.

I’m honored to write a letter.  What better way to exercise your purpose as a teacher than helping someone continue their education.  I also enjoy writing letters because it is challenging; I’m forced to be creative.

Along with letters of recommendation, those of us that teach seniors see the first third of the year as “I’m freaking out because everybody says I need a plan for college and life—I don’t know what to do!”

Seniors are justified in their feelings.  The pressure to succeed is often overwhelming.

 I’ve developed a reputation in my school as the guy who can calm a senior down.  Many of the conversations are with students who were advised to chat with me by their friends.  Mr. R, Jennifer S is my friend.  She said you can help me with next year.”

I’d like to share how I deal with three frequent comments in this type of conversation.